Imogen/ Way's to make money

Everyone wants to make money so they can go out and have a good time an spend it on make-up and new clothes. But being teenagers it's actually quite hard to earn money unless you get pocket money for doing choirs around your house.  It’s hard because we are not old enough to get a proper job.
There are things which you can do over the weekend or the holidays which will get you enough money to go out. If your clever then save your money and then you will have a lot of money from doing small little jobs here and there.

You can do these jobs by yourself to create more money because you would get the full amount or you could do them in a group it would be easy because it would be quicker but remember you won't get a lot of money out of it. If there are 4 of you washing one car and your charging £3 then you will only get 50p out of it.  

1) Car wash- Me and my friend recently washed a couple of cars for our families and got a little bit of money we didn't get loads but we didn't do many cars. Because we did it together and we halved the money which we earned. We charged £3 per car. If your washing a van then maybe charge extra because it is a bigger surface area to clean and will take you longer. If you do it fast but make sure you clean it properly then the people may want you to do it again. Obviously if you mess about, take forever and don't clean it properly then they will not want you to do it again in the future. So you’re losing business which means losing money. Near enough everyone has a car so if you go around your full street then you will earn enough to go swimming or the cinema or something like that.  

2) Clean your neighours house- If you live near to someone who is quite old then they might want a bit of help around the house. You could clean up for them. I'm not saying ask for money because that might seem cheeky but just offer to help out at least you’re doing a good deed. If you are planning on doing this then make sure you know the person and you parents/guardians says it's alright. Never go into a strangers house! 

3) Mow the lawn- Offer to mow the lawn for one of your neighbours. Mowing the lawn maybe a real struggle for elderlies so you would be helping them out a lot. The amount you charge should be different for every garden(lawn) size.  It's not just cutting the lawn you could do. You could: Water the flowers, take out the weeds from the boarders, pick up poo if they own a cat or dog.

4) Offer your help-If you live near a farm you could offer to help out. Clean the pens out, feed the animals anything like that. I obviously don't work or live on a farm so I don't know what jobs there are to do but the owner might give you some jobs to do. 

5) Walk dogs- If you are good with dogs and thing you can control them then offer to walk people dogs.  Remember though you have responsibility for their dog. If anything happens to that dog it's your fault. Also if they have a poo make sure to pick it up.

6) Baby/Dog sit- Offer to look after someone’s dog or child. Again remember you have all responsibility of that child/dog which ever you are looking after. If you are looking after a dog you have to: Feed it, Walk it, Pick up it's poo. 

7) YouTube- A lot of people make YouTube videos to try and earn money. If you make a good video and get loads of likes and views on it then you will be earning money. If you get popular on YouTube then you will get opportunities that other people don't get. You will be able to go to meet-ups and meet viewers . If you start up a YouTube channel for fun and make really good and creative videos then you will get more views and likes than just starting for the money. You have to monetize your video though to earn money.
8) Sell items - Set up a car boot with your family I’m sure you have things which you don't use. (Old toys, books, photo frames, board games, Christmas things) You're not expected to make a lot with the things you sell but pennies equal to pounds and pounds equal to notes right? If you have items which you think will make a lot or is new and hasn’t been opened then sell them on eBay. 

9) Crafts- Cards and stickers are really easy things to make. Make them unique and sell them door to door or on Facebook(set up a page).

10) Buns- Make Buns and sell them door to door. If you sell 10 buns for 50p each then you have made £5. 

11) Chores - Do chores around the house and ask for money if you do them. You could wash the pots, make tea, pick up dog poo, clean the house, clean the car. 

I hope you have got some ideas on what to do and hopefully do some and earn some money.
        Imogen x
Thursday 5 February 2015 @ 12:00 / 0 daisies

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